English for Negotiating

English for Negotiating is aimed at people who regularly need to negotiate in English at work. This course provides all the language needed to handle the typical scenarios encountered on the way to successful negotiations.

Course Content


Setting objectives

The HIT table

The successful negotiator

Setting objectives

Prioritising objectives

Drawing up the agenda

Getting to know the other side

The meeting

Invitation to a meeting

Last-minute changes to the agenda

The meeting’s goals

The best approach


Making a proposal

Responding to a proposal

Offering a counterproposal

A new offer

Types of negotiation

Clarifying positions

Introducing new ideas

Resolving differences

Dealing with deadlock

Handling conflict

Dealing with differences

Settling matters


Finalising the agreement

Setting up an action plan


For more information on this course, please contact me.

Picture of Nigel Bailey

Nigel Bailey

Nigel is a qualified Teacher of English as a Foreign Language and has been teaching in Poland since 2003. He has been teaching over the Internet since 2008 and has taught more than 1,000 students in this way.

Contact Me

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