English for the Automobile Industry

English for the Automobile Industry has been developed specifically for people who work in the automobile industry and who need English to communicate in a variety of situations with colleagues, clients, and business partners. It supplies you with the target vocabulary and commonly-used expressions that are essential to communication, whether you work directly for a car manufacturer, a supplier, in a car dealership, or for a marketing agency involved with the automobile industry.

Course Content

Introduction to the car

Factors involved in buying a car

Types of car

Car sales

The exterior

Exterior car parts

Car production

A quality problem

8D report

The interior

Interior car parts

The instrument panel

A delivery problem

A car configurator

Under the bonnet

The engine

A technical support hotline

An international car show

Performance and technical specifications

Launching a new model

A road test

Materials and their properties

A meeting role-play


A magazine article

Active and passive safety features

Choosing safety features

Car recalls


Describing car design

The design process


Expanding the product range

Future trends

The car of the future

Environmental awareness

Making a presentation

Fuel cells

For more information on this course, please contact me.

Picture of Nigel Bailey

Nigel Bailey

Nigel is a qualified Teacher of English as a Foreign Language and has been teaching in Poland since 2003. He has been teaching over the Internet since 2008 and has taught more than 1,000 students in this way.

Contact Me

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